Publicaciones derivadas de las tesis

Se han encontrado 1166 registros.

31) Mirás, M., Núñez Lugilde, I., Quinteiro Sandomingo, C., Sánchez, E. (2023 To appear). "An algorithm to compute the average-of-awards rule for claims problems with an application to the allocation of CO2 emissions". In: Annals of Operations Research. Springer . ISSN: 1572-9338 Google Scholar

32) Conde Amboage M., Van Keilegom, I., González-Manteiga, W. (2023). Application of Quantile Regression Models for Biomedical Data. In: Larriba, Y. (eds) Statistical Methods at the Forefront of Biomedical Advances. Springer, Cham. . In: Google Scholar

33) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Domingues, T.D., Malato, J., Grabowska, A.D., Lee, J.-S., Biecek, P., Graça, L., Mouriño, H., Scheibenbogen, C., Westermeier, F., Nacul, L., Cliff, J.M., Lacerda, E.M., Sepúlveda, N. (2023). Association analysis between symptomology and herpesvirus IgG antibody concentrations in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and multiple sclerosis. In: HeliyonVol. 9. pp. e18250. CellPress. ISSN: 2405-8440 Google Scholar

34) Algaba-Durán, E., Prieto A., Saavedra Nieves, A. (2023). Risk analysis sampling methods in terrorist networks based on the Banzhaf value. In: Risk AnalysisVol. to appear. Wiley. Google Scholar

35) Alonso-Pena, M., I. Gijbels, Crujeiras, R.M. (2023). Flexible joint modeling of mean and dispersion for the directional tuning of neuronal spike counts. In: BiometricsVol. 79 (4). pp. 2775-4019. Google Scholar

36) Jácome, M. A., López Cheda, A., Aneiros Pérez, German, Carpente, L., Costa, J., Estévez Pérez, Graciela, Francisco-Fernández, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., González-Rueda, A. M., Malheiro, M.T., Muiños-Roca, M.C., Oviedo, M, Piñeiro Lamas, B., Presedo Quindimil, Manuel Antonio, Rodríguez-Fraguela, L.F. (2023). ACTAS XVI Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións e I Xornadas Innovación Docente na Estatística e Investigación de OperaciónsVol. ISBN: 978-84-09-50202-8. Comité Organizador. Jácome-Pumar,M.A, López-Cheda, A., Aneiros-Pérez, G., Carpente-Rodríguez, M.L., Costa-Bouzas, J., Estévez-Pérez, G., Francisco- Fernández, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., González-Rueda, A.M., Malheiro, M.T., Muiños-Roca, M.C., Oviedo de l. Google Scholar

37) Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J.(2023). X XORNADA DE USUARIOS R EN GALICIA PROGRAMA E RESUMOSISBN: 978-84-09-55129-3 pp. 71. Editors: Ginzo-Villamayor, MJ. Google Scholar

38) Mohamad-Kharib, A., Chamorro-Petronacci, C.M., Pérez-Jardón, A., Castelo-Baz, P., Martín Biedma, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., García-García, A. (2023). "Staining Susceptibility of Microhybrid and Nanohybrid Composites on Exposure to Different Color Solutions". In: Applied Sciences. Vol. 13. pp. 11211. MDPI. Google Scholar

39) Fuentes-Santos, I., González-Manteiga, W., Mateu, J. (2023). Testing similarity between first-order intensities of spatial point processes. A comparative study. In: Communications in Statistics-Simulation and ComputationVol. 52 Issue 5. pp. 2210-2230. Taylor and Francis. Google Scholar

40) Davila-Pena, L., R Penas, David, Casas-Méndez, B. V. (2023). A new two-phase heuristic for a problem of food distribution with compartmentalized trucks and trailers . In: International Transactions in Operational Research. DOI: 10.1111/itor.13071Vol. 30. pp. 1031-1064. Wiley. ISSN: 1475-3995 Google Scholar